Hey beautiful people :)
MY INTERNET WENT M.I.A ON ME FOR ONE DAMN WEEK! CAN YOU IMAGINE?! I mean I was getting so heated up I actually asked a friend to log in my facebook and let me know what's going on. I swear imma need facebook rehab soon, its ridiculous.
Annnnnd shout-out to Joey! I'm sorry boo. Here's your long awaited post hehe. Oops :)
Anyhow, so Tia thinks I was slightly too harsh in my last post, and i'm turning into a feminist. Haha, puh-lease. Right!?
But allow it. That sinking in decided we be turning the tables over. Y'all know I gotta keep it neutral ;)
Tonight i'm giving you the priviledge of going inside the mind of a certain boy. Actually applies to most if not all boys, or men, shall we say? I think it's important them ladies understand what's going on, you know?
Instead of easily pointing out the stereotypical "player" label, I mean come on, there IS a reason for everything.
You probably wondering how I know, well we've spent alot of time together and although we lost most contact now (thank you distance, once again)
He was my ex, we had our differences, we're close friends now. In a way i'm glad, learnt so much from him.
He grew up sympathizing with Hip Hop ballads like LL Cool J’s I Need Love and harmonizing with RnB classics like Ralph Tresvant’s Girlfriend. He would relate to lines from artists like Diddy, who begged for “one bad chick so I could spoil her”.
No WAY would he ever be a player. He would wake up every day, look in the mirror, and tell himself that it’s too far-fetched for him to be that man who dogged out women. He's way too emotional. He cared about people’s feelings. Then he started noticing that not all players are cut throat. Not all willfully disrespect woman.
But most importantly, the biggest ones were the most affectionate and emotional. Generally, they were mama’s boys, like him, who desired nothing more than the attention of a woman in search of the affection and pampering they received growing up. And since no one can live up to mama, options expand, and the roster grows. Now he listens to tracks from R. Kelly, and he relates to every line from Playas Get Lonely as “I let my drinks decide who’s the next chick.”
By some twist of fate, he had become a...*drumroll*...
Yep! That's it. Right there.
A womanizer.
He remembers, when he was 10 his godbrother told him you need to have game to get a female. Godbrother had all the women, and (let's call him Kanye :D) Kanye, had none. So he went to his room, took out a composition book, wrote “Game” at the top. He remembers being laughed at for the clothes he wore. So he started watching music videos, and dressed just like them. He was teased because of his round lining on his hair, so he made sure that his lining never took away from his wavy hair.
He learned that laughter was the easiest way to stay on a girl’s mind and keep them thinking of you, so he perfected his silliness and went from annoying to comical. But most importantly, he learned the pattern to Pac Man. OH yeah. EVERYone knows every level on Pac Man has a pattern ;)
And as long as you follow it, you can’t lose. For women, it’s their ego. Take what they love the most about themselves, and pretend to not notice it. Take what they are the most subconscious about, and embrace them for it. Suddenly, they can’t get enough of you. By the time Kanye reached high school, he was a true student of “the game”, but his transformation was not complete.
He learned the 11th man theory, and never looked back. Take the most beautiful woman, and surround her with 10 men who constantly tell her how beautiful she is and worship her. She doesn’t want them. But the 11th man comes in, acknowledges her, and proceeds to ignore her. That’s the man she wants, the one who could care less.
So Kanye perfected acting as if he didn’t notice them, and as expected, he became highly sought after. And he'd intend to fall in love, but didn’t realize he was subconsciously manipulating multiple women.
He desired them all. No intentions to hurt them or lead them on, but enjoy their attention and to let them know he noticed them noticing him, and he thought of them.
He told himself it was harmless because he was single, and when he does make the commitment, it would all cease. He now laughs at that logic, the bachelor’s contradiction. Because somehow or another, the commitment never came.
He would ask himself every day, why don’t I have just one? Why is it no one will ever be my one and only? I have so much love to give, but no single person to share it with. But that’s because he was unknowingly sharing love with ALL of them. Now to be honest, he genuinely loved every woman he has ever been with, even if it was just for the moment. He never meant to deceive or lead anyone on. At times he even felt they were taking advantage of him.
How easy it is to blame everyone else than to acknowledge your own shortcomings.
His heart was telling him he wanted just one, but his ego had hold of his actions. He needed this girl for this, didn’t want to hurt this girl with that, and saw so much potential in them all. He was slowly gaining the love he wanted in pieces, instead of finding the whole.
What gets lost with both men and women is that some of the worst players, aren’t outright dogs. They were the ones who didn’t have what it took to originally get who they wanted, so they transformed to be more desirable. And somewhere in that transformation they lost sight of their original dream. They saw the potential of love, and as they grew, so did their grandiose.
They tried to stay neutral, but the affection was too addictive and they succumbed to temptation. In their hearts, they are being sincere; they just want a mother’s love, attention, and affection. And since no woman can equal up to that great woman, they accept the best qualities from all. They are still a work in progress, it just takes them time to realize that they have become the man they never wanted to be. But don’t pity them…oh believe me they are enjoying the ride the entire way, but they do intend to get back on track.
Take a minute, think about it
You're (boy) friend may not be just a heartless manwhore.
Dig deeper.
bed and sleep await my humble arrival,
*sighs in pleasure*
have a lovely night, lovely people :)
hugs & kisses.
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