Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I hate The Killers
while that light has long ago flickered into oblivion
Monday, December 13, 2010
The stars, they all aligned.
Okay, so I don't really believe I horoscopes, I think they're all codswallop if you ask me. But this is scarily accurate. Mind you, I still don't believe in them, it's just...whoa.
You’re hounded with voices telling you about this thing you have called liberty, but it’s all just another lie about you. But isn’t lying apart of the job description? What’s an actor but not himself at all times? A lie among art.
I've had all the big breaks I need and more than a few outstanding performances in my repertoire, I'm ready for retirement.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
feels good to be home.
"You look different," my aunt shares when she first sees me.
"Different? How?" I inquire.
"Your eyes.. it's like they're wilting."
Monday, November 22, 2010
It's raining.
How high can a broken man cry.
Is it wrong that I want something different? Not better, just different. From where I am sitting, it feels like a crime. They tell me I'm not thankful. They say that I'm selfish. The world doesn't revolve around you. Well let me tell you something, MY WORLD DOES. I'm allowed to want things that you don't approve of. I am entitled to my emotions as much as you are to your beliefs, to your logic, to whatever the fuck is in that sorry excuse of a skull.
One day all that dust is gonna gather and suffocate all that's left of the world; all who let their feet follow an empty voice, not bothering to look down at the broken pieces of hope they were stepping on.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
this is nowhere near as good and coherent as it was in my head.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The note still shaking in my hands, I don't cry. I simply find myself wishing for ignorance.
for a moment,
Friday, November 12, 2010
Diminished Emotions.
-Stephen King
Sustained Word Vomit.
It's 5.19 AM, and having had a slight case of insomnia, I found myself miraculously on facebook.
You know what I hate? People who post up pictures of themselves on facebook and caption it 'ME :D'. Nooo. Really, genius? Who else would it be. It's only natural that any photo you post up as YOUR display picture on YOUR facebook page would be of you. The only time you would need to specify who the person in said photograph is would be when they're not you, a drink, food, friends, nails, feet, or some other part of your body where I would need clarification to the identity of the person. Even then, tags are sufficient. Captions are reserved for descriptions of the place, time, and happenings of the picture, or other related nonsense.
And why the smiley face? Are you so happy to be posting up a half naked picture of yourself up on facebook that you feel the need to tell me that it's you, in capital letters, and append a smiley face?
I'm not really against posting up half-naked pictures of yourself on facebook (insert sardonic, hearty laugh here), but I think it's much more appropriate if it's caught in the moment. Not when you're posing in front of the mirror, hands through your hair, breasts squished together, blowing a kiss at the camera. To me, that just reads needy, attention-seeking, and pathetic.
I don't know, maybe I'm being too critical, but the sight of things like this makes me cringe. I had to physically stop my fingers from typing, "Take that down. You look like a slut."
New Leaf. Old Leaf.
The only thing I have is my mind. It's my only refuge and my only escape. When I'm longing for something I can't get instantaneously, I get it for myself in the recesses of my imagination. When I want to spend a day on the beach, a book in my hand, a cold drink on the table, his warmth, I'll close my eyes and make it happen. When I wake up and yearn to look into…his eyes, I simply close my own. If I want to step out into the frigid rain of the city streets, by God, I'll do it. I won't shut out my thoughts because my thoughts are the sole reason I keep going. The possibility of everything in my head becoming a reality is my only reason for pressing on.
So, yes, I will shut out my brain, but only that one tiny part, that dark infectious hole that seeks to poison everything around it. Green with envy and marred with disgust, it takes pleasure in watching hope collapse.
And I refuse to let it prevail.
I can't.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Olfactory Disgust.
I know; that's the most disgusting thing in the world. Exacerbating this is myabhorrence for the smell of anyone's breath: minty fresh or fish gross, Idon't want to smell it. I just don't, so get your mouth away from my nose when you open it. And you know those people whose breath just permeates the air when they speak? It's not a particularly horrid smell, it's just so thick, and it's everywhere. I try to breath through my mouth, but then I just feel like I'm tasting it. I alternate with my nose, and that doesn't make it any better. It brings me to the brink of gagging.
I Dreamed a Dream - Glee.
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I’m living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed
Nowhere Else to Go.
In short, I love Rome. I honestly didn't think I'd love that city as much as I did. It's breathtaking, the people, the atmosphere, the food, the places. It's like a not-so-homey city – the people I encounter on a daily basis, come and go, I live in the vicinity they call a “vacation”, it's definitely not urban, but then everyone's so lovely and everything is so close. Everything about it. The mystery, the darkness, the grandeur of Colosseo, the enchanting little cafe’s, the cobblestone streets, its almost as if your in the presence of something truly…historical? Magical. And my words are failing me. But the life I lived there for less than two years is the life I want to live for the rest of my life. Ive been to 23 countries (and counting) in my 19 years on Planet Earth, its astounding the diverse cultures, history, traditions, customs and languages you come across. The people you meet. The minute, yet vast impact they make on your life. To be honest, I complain a lot but I would not change my life for anything. I just happen to be another fortunate ungrateful being but, hey. We’re all allowed our monthly rant quota. :)
I didn’t fall in love with Sydney when I saw it the way I did with Rome, I just might be rethinking my life plan.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Nauseous Regrets.
I stepped into the room inhaling the remnants of your fading perfume. I looked for you in the empty corners. I painted your ghost on the cushions. I stood and listened to your silent whispers. I attempted to siphon your words from the memory of the wood, the space in a thought. I drew your gestures in the nonexistent breeze. Swift flutters of dust outline your memory. Half empty teacups and unsettled pillows scream of your presence. I held your breath close to my ear. The rising and falling cadences of your voice played notes across my skin. Your empty smile, your hollow eyes, I closed my eyes and saw you there, clear as my fingers before me. I waited. Fearing that you would appear, hoping that these memories would be all that I had -I waited.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Amidst the Greenery.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Rayne I
"No, no," she tilts her head to look up at his frame behind her, "come join me," she grins invitingly. He reluctantly closes the door and lays down beside her, adjusting his body to mirror hers. Closing his eyes, he asks, "What are we looking at?"
"The stars," she replies wistfully, her eyes still closed.
"What about them?" he asks again as he begins to picture them.
"Everything," she sighs.
Verbal Constipation
This post ends here because of the aforementioned points.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Soft Surrender.
"I can't do it!" she yells desperately, "I can't! Don't make me do this!" she begs curling into the fetal position on his bed as her tears engulf her, as her body shakes with their intensity. Her body awaiting the touch of his comfort hoping for some remorse, some understanding, some rationality to be begotten from her words. Surprised with her own sincerity and passion, she allows the waves to flow through her, her eyes shielded from the sight around her.
Monday, November 1, 2010
edited for sarah k.
f men. f them to the hell they came from.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Stop telephonin' me
When will it get through your thick head that I will not answer your phone calls. I don't know who you are. I don't know your name. I don't know what you look like. I don't even know how your voice sounds. You equally don't know any of these things about me. Stop professing your love for me. Stop sending me sweet nothings in the middle of the night. Stop calling me twentyfive times a day. Get it through that empty maze of a mind that I am not one of those girls. I wouldn't even call them easy or pathetic or bored. If anything, I'd call them mindless. The fact that you're willing to subject yourself to such horrid company disgusts me. The fact that you're trying to drag me down to your level makes me want to projectile vomit onto your face. I didn't answer the first eighthundredthirtyfour times you called, I won't answer now. Stop telling me that my voice sounds like velvet; I know it doesn't, not when I've only spoken to you in contempt or in a manner of interrogation. Stop sending me off into dreamland with little ~eloquently worded messages. They're cloying at best and harrowing at worst. Just stop. The fact that you're degrading yourself in such a manner makes it impossible for me to ever acquire a scintilla of respect for you.
The title: yeah, I went there.
No Happy Ending.
I read washington square by henry james, again. the first time i hated the book. it was dull and hard to get through even though it was short.
Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts.So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess,And to stop the muscle that makes us confess.And we are so fragile,And our cracking bones make noise,And we are just,Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.-ingrid michaelson, breakable
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Remember when it was only a kiss?

Vulgarity has taken over the innocent kiss in the cinematic world of oversized screens and popping corn. Love isn't a beautiful thing on the glass box set anymore, instead, it's an invasion of space, of privacy, of a once mysterious and sacred thing. You know, there is a reason physical love isn't up and all around your face in public and in social gatherings, it's because its ugly. Horrifying. In a dark room is where ugly and scary should live away from the children and the prude beings. I miss the days where Titanic was a bad movie. I miss the days where I don't know what I see now.
I feel violated. Stop it, Hollywood. It's your fault. Bring back the kiss, please.
I hate my life.
Truer words were never spoken.
I say this without a sarcastic or sappy undertone. I am being honest and open with you. I abhor everything and everyone who I don't genuinely like. I cannot stand it anymore. If you look closely you could see the hate etched on my face. I wish I was lying. For the love of anything good and true, I wish I was exaggerating. I cannot wait for the day where I am swept of my feet away from this wretched place. I just hope this day comes before my hate scars me for good. Having hope is too tiring, folks, and I'm tired of it. So, I've decided to throw mine in the trash, it hasn't done me any good lately or ever. I will live like a zombie out of a grave. I will cope till my heart stops.
This is not teenager depression ranting. I know where my life is headed, it's like everyone else around here. So don't you say, it'll get better, because it won't. I'll just hide it somewhere till it combusts one day and kills me.
My Father's presence in the house has become a foreign concept to me. Businees trips have bombarded his life like a down pour of canines and felines. It's sad really and kind of mean. I'm not saying it's his fault. I love him to death and when he is here he's awesome granted that sometimes he can give off drama queen vibes, but hey, aren't we all entitled a bit of time on the throne? Even when he's in town, he works crazy hours, bless him. It's a bit weird that he'll be here in a few minutes, like whoa. Also, just because I can, I would like to state that I hate the fact that I resent him for being able to travel the world while I have to sit and mope around like some crazed emo unicorn.
Peace will come, good day!
The streets are full of strangers
And now I'm all alone again, no where to go, no one to turn towithout a hope without a friend without a face to say hello to.And now the night is near,And I can make believe
he's here.
Sometimes I walk alone at nightWhen everybody else is sleepingI think of him and then I'm happyWith the company I'm keepingThe city goes to bedAnd I can live inside my head.
On my ownPretending he's beside meAll alone, I walk with him till morningWithout himI feel his arms around meAnd when I lose my way I close my eyesAnd he has found me
In the rain the pavement shines like silverAll the lights are misty in the riverIn the darkness, the trees are full of starlightAnd all I see is him and me for ever and forever
And I know it's only in my mindThat I'm talking to myself and not to himAnd although I know that he is blindStill I say, there's a way for us
I love himBut when the night is overHe is gone, the river's just a riverWithout him the world around me changesThe trees are bare and everywhereThe streets are full of strangers
I love himBut every day I'm learningAll my life I've only been pretendingWithout me his world will go on turningA world that's full of happinessThat I have never known!
I love himI love himI love himBut only on my own.
- On My Own - Les Miserables
This song makes me want to cry.
he's here.

I know it's gonna happen. It's inevitable as they say. I just didn't realize inevitable was so real, so close, so ugly. I wish life or the world would humor me and offer me a Neverland or a Narnia. This may seem childish and irrational but sometimes when I think the world is a bitch (excuse my french) and I find myself hating every breathing thing and coming to terms with my heartless reality and dull and soul wrenching destined future, I take comfort in the fact that I'll find my Narnia someday. I believe it. It's what gets me back up and functioning with the grace of a sarcastic and not to mention oh-so awesome person while kicking ass and taking names (granted I don't really kick people in general let alone their bum and why would I take names? Do I have a list of people's behinds that I kick? In this alternate reality, I guess I'm weird) It's what's behind that fake yet believable smile. It's what I cling to when I can't find an escape. It's what stops my head from exploding into smithereens when it's trying to look for a way out, but can't.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Worn Out.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How Could You Be So Heartless?

Monday, October 18, 2010
Friends, Foes? Love, Lust?
I was told today that I don't practise what I preach.
True story, haha.
No but for real, about a 3 months ago tharindu and clementine asked me how I pro advise but my own "love life" as we like to call it, runs down the sewage.
At the time, I honestly didn't have an answer.
I knew its obviously cause I just didnt follow the shit I tell all you people, now I realize though its because in any relationship, power lies in the hand of the person who cares less (that's a quote I stole by the way).
I never had the upper hand. It was always me bending over for him. Me breaking my rules.
I guess love makes you stupid like that.
We all know what we SHOULD do, what is RIGHT, how we SHOULD BE TREATED, what we DESERVE, we just choose not to, in fear we might loose our "better half".
So we insist on being puppets.
That's just the way it is.
We can't help it.
Yes finally, revelation hits! Lol .Oh well.
I find it hard to swallow that strangers make me happier than friends
The minute you let someone into your life
Like a hurricane they destroy and conquer
Its not too much to ask for love unconditionally
But thats only for family not friends apparently
Now I know there are bigots thinking ''maybe you have the wrong friends''
Sadly friendship has got to a point where getting hurt is a norm
And if you dont feel that hurt then you have a stranger in your life
Which might not be so bad if you are also a stranger to them
Telling eachother nice words in passing
A friend as described by the english
is a person who you trust and care about
not someone you just say hi too or have drinks with
not your sex partner or your drug dealer
the paradigm of humanity is in its need to put on a facade
so much goes down the gutters in the souls of people
oh let me say what i want because its who i am, i am blunt
no you moron you are self centered and will never find real happiness
acting like a player, douche and slut is not the way to never get hurt
its the way to cause pain in the life of others
and when they express their dismay dont call them ''dramatic'' or ''emotional'
'because you flushed your emotions away in the dark abyss of your life
doesnt mean I want to be sucked in with you
do what I want because I dont owe you an explanation
its different if you tell me what I do wrong
but seating on a horse and expecting me to read minds
after you blatantly formulate a plan to rid me from your life
because I decided to ''care'' a little more than you
BURN in the HELL of your greed
Chained to the crutches of your insecurity
Remember. What goes around comes back around
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010